Civil and Environmental Engineering is a hugely relevant degree for today. The environment is a major consideration for local, national and international companies and governments, but never more is this true than when it comes to engineering projects of all sizes. Greater consideration has to be given to a range of environmental factors and this degree will go some way to making students aware of them.
This Honours degree programme follows a similar structure to the straight BEng Civil Engineering degree. The major difference is the compulsory requirement to study the Environmental Engineering course in year 4. This particular course deals with various aspects related to:
Surface Water: sources of water pollution and their impact on aqueous environment and public health, water quality and supply, wastewater treatment;
Soil and Groundwater: groundwater flow, groundwater contamination and pollution, subsurface contaminants transport mechanisms, sustainable land-groundwater management;
Solid Waste: sources of solid waste, characterisation and treatment of solid waste, solid waste management;
Air Pollution and Control: air pollutants and sources, air pollution meteorology, pollutant dispersion in the air, air pollution control.